Bags4beauties eStore
Look Stylish, Be Stylish.
Discover luxury & branded Clothes, Shoes, Bags, and Accessories from International Fashion Designers Only at B4B eStore.
Customer Reviews
The Words - Those Count!
Hello, I just received a LV Speedy replica from B4b eStore. I had been looking for quality replicas for awhile. Based on so many good reviews on this site I trusted that I would receive my bag and not be scammed. I am so glad I did because the bag is immaculate. I feel better supporting a smaller business that creates beautiful quality bags by hand than paying thousands to the authentic company who probably does not pay the actual artisans what they deserve. The process was easy and quick, as was shipping. It arrived early and I was pleasantly surprised with everything I received, not to mention the strong leather smell once I opened the bag. This bag is so perfect I wouldn’t be surprised if an authenticator thought is was real.
If you’re looking for a replica, you will get the absolute best communication and customer service.
I bought a bag from B4b eStore. While she was extremely sweet, helpful, informative, and responded quickly, the shipping was a nightmare!!! I finally received my order after a long wait and am very pleased. I’m new to the rep world, but have done a ton of research and feel confident in the purchase made with her. She can be contacted here to order WhatsApp +971557502490
I bought a bag from Jo two weeks ago and it was delivered with a week. The quality of the bag was perfect. My cuz has the original and you can’t tell the difference. Good job B4b eStore👍
Hello! I purchased a pair of shoes from B4b eStore. The quality is amazing. Super fast shipping via FedEx. I communicated with customer care through out the process, they responded to every question I asked. Contact For Order WhatsApp +971557502490
Just bought my first replica. I was very very nervous. I received the most beautiful bag I can’t stop looking at it. The quality and price amazing. It came with all you would expect with the real deal. It took 10 days to Adelaide Australia. I am already researching another.
You can contact at Instragam @bags4.beauties
Yes i do i purchased a lot of bags from B4b eStore and they never let me down ,good quality and fast reply to your Questions and i contact on WhatsApp +971557502490 for my purchases .. contact them .. best luck..
Sooooo I am VERY please for finding B4beStore! There customer care are polite throughout the process and communicated with me to the day my item was delivered. I’m talking box included, dust bag everything ! It’s quality and worth the price !
I just bought this beauty from B4b eStore. This bag is exquisite! Excellent original quality. The leather smells great as do all the genuine leather products I have received. They are very responsive and helpful. I have never been disappointed! You can reach at Instragam @bags4.beauties
I got bag, my wife really likes it. Also, we have the same Authentic bag, the same as 95%, we are very happy about this experience, and we have the more bags on the way! Contact on WhatsApp +971557502490
I just bought a beautiful watch from B4b eStore, a santos de Cartier for men and the quality is amazing. Not only the purses are original quality, the watches and the jewelry are original quality too!!! Contact on WhatsApp +971557502490 they are trustworthy, and there customer service its incredible good.