Amy says:
JANUARY 20, 2021 AT 1:05 PM
Hello, I just received a LV Speedy replica from B4b eStore. I had been looking for quality replicas for awhile. Based on so many good reviews on this site I trusted that I would receive my bag and not be scammed. I am so glad I did because the bag is immaculate. I feel better supporting a smaller business that creates beautiful quality bags by hand than paying thousands to the authentic company who probably does not pay the actual artisans what they deserve. The process was easy and quick, as was shipping. It arrived early and I was pleasantly surprised with everything I received, not to mention the strong leather smell once I opened the bag. This bag is so perfect I wouldn’t be surprised if an authenticator thought is was real. If you’re looking for a replica, you will get the absolute best communication and customer service.

Sade says:

September 28, 2021
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